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“Strikeitoff” is a self-destructing to-do list application. The purpose of creating a self-destructing to-do list application is to prioritize to-do items based on the date it is created and add urgency to get things done. The application sends a remainder to a user before self destructing a todo item unless it is not completed by a user. The application allow users to create, edit and destroy and mark to-do lists.


  • Users can create an account, make their to-do list, and add new items to their list.
  • Once an to do item created, application sends an email to the user about their new task.
  • The list will display the number of days until each item is scheduled for automatic deletion.
  • Once users complete an item, they can mark it as complete and remove it from the list.
  • If the to do item is not completed on the sixth day, application sends a remainder about the task they have to finish.
  • At the end of each day, items more than 7 days old will be automatically deleted from the list.


Languages, Libraries, and Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, RSpec, Cabybara, Factory Girl

Databases: SQLite (Test, Development), PostgreSQL (Production)

Development Tools, Gems and Methodologies:

  • Devise for user authentication
  • SendGrid for email confirmation
  • Rake Utility for task automation